Do you have pets in your home? Are you thinking about cleaning your carpet, but you simply don’t have the time, or if you have tried before, your results have still left your home with a foul odor. Your ability to clean your carpet is limited by your own level of expertise, and also the types of chemicals and machinery that you have available. Here are 10 tips on how to deodorizing carpet, ones that you may not have used before, that can help you get your house smelling fresh once again.
10 Ways To Deodorize Your Carpet
The first step is getting a bowl of clean water, about a half a, and mixing in a half cup of white vinegar. This will help you get most of the odors out that continually permeate the area. If you smoke a lot, this can also work, but you also might want to try baking soda. You would want to leave this on your carpet overnight in order to get the best results. If you have pets, you can use a black light to find all the areas where the urine is on your carpet, and use a combination of water and white vinegar, along with the baking soda, to make the smell go away. Opening your house up for a few hours, especially when it is warm outside, can help a lot of the odors dissipate. In combination with the vinegar and baking soda, you could also use store-bought products that use certain chemicals which are safe for your carpet. If you have access to certain aromas in oil form, you can add lavender or your favorite scent to the mix in order to further improve the way that your carpet smells. Three final ways that you can deodorize your carpet, which may not be directly related to your carpet, is to remove any rugs on the floor. By taking them outside, applying the same solutions, you can eliminate these odors as well. The rugs that you will want to remove will be the ones by the front door, backdoor, and around your toilet, in order to get the best results. Finally, have a professional carpet cleaner come in, or use your steam cleaner, to thoroughly clean your carpet to eliminate deep down odors that are there.
By using any of these 10 tips, or all of them, you will certainly see a dramatic change in the way that your carpet smells and looks. Go ahead and try these today and find out just how fresh your home can actually smell.